From Lumpy Skin Disease to Red Imported Fire Ants and Varroa Mite, you might be forgiven for wondering just how safe and secure Australia’s $90 billion agriculture industry is from the threat of biosecurity incursions. Are we doing enough to safeguard our industries – have we learned the lessons from past biosecurity incursions, or are we drifting listlessly towards agricultural devastation thanks to a “she’ll be right” attitude?
Why shouldn’t a disease impacting bees already on our shores stir us into action the same way the discovery of Foot and Mouth Disease in a neighbouring country did?
Australia’s plant crops’ reliance on the humble bee is under sharp focus, as the Varroa Destructor mite moves from hive to hive along coastal New South Wales. Having wrought havoc in other parts of the world, are Australian authorities acting with the urgency necessary to stop this pest and prevent catastrophe for the pollination crops which rely on bees?
Our first guest for 2024 is James Campbell the CEO of Amaretto Almonds owned by UK based impact fund Cibus Capital. James has a storied career across agriculture in Australia and overseas and, since returning to Australia from Asia, has been involved in the pollination business. James is an authority on all things agriculture – please join us at the Sydney Marriott Circular Quay as we get buzzed into all things bees, disease and keeping pest-free.
Note that we're moving to a new venue in 2024 - the Sydney Marriott Circular Quay at 30 Pitt Street Sydney.
Bookings for this lunch will close on 19 February 2024. Please advise of any dietary requirements at the time of booking.
For any questions, contact
The Marriott and Farm Writers have COVID-safe practices in place, in line with the current guidelines for gatherings in hospitality venues. A full refund will be available should fresh restrictions mean cancelling or switching to a webinar.
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